Mark’s Story

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“Traineeships give you hands-on experience, so when you apply for a job you’ve got those skills behind you.”

– Mark Steczkowicz, Department of Education, IT Services

Mark Steczkowicz is an IT Consultant with the Department of Education Tasmania. He works with staff in schools to improve their systems, and create positive teaching and learning outcomes.

Mark completed his traineeship through Work & Training and now supervises trainees as part of his current role.

“Nearly 20 years ago, I went to college to do a Certificate II in Information Communication Technology. I ended up getting a phone call from my old IT teacher just after I enrolled” he says. “He told me ‘I know you’re doing the same thing at college, how about the opportunity to do a traineeship and be paid to get experience?’ Of course, I said yes and 20 years later – here I am.”

After completing his Certificate III, Mark went on to complete a Certificate IV and later a Diploma qualification all through Work & Training.

“It’s really that support, having the opportunity to get the experience and get a qualified position. Through that initial opportunity, I’ve been given the experience and confidence to apply for future roles.”

Having completed his qualifications and progressed in his career, Mark is now in a position where he looks to hire trainees for his department.

“Now I’m in a more senior role, we have five to seven trainees in my team alone per year” he says.

“Work & Training have been great in facilitating this – from supplying us with quality candidates, through to the ongoing support and communication.”

Having experienced the benefits of undertaking a traineeship first-hand, Mark is a great advocate for traineeships as a way to gain experience and develop a career.

“I recommend traineeships to everyone. They give you hands-on experience, so when you apply for a job you’ve got some of that experience behind you. You get paid to do what you’re already interested in.”

Beyond providing that initial experience, Mark knows that traineeships provide a real opportunity for career development.

“A lot of people who started traineeships with me and people I know who have started traineeships since then, a majority will work their way into a career” he says.

“20 years on, most of the people around me have been through a traineeship at some stage.”

Mark Steczkowicz – IT Consultant, Department of Education

Ready to see where a Trades and Technical qualification can take you? Work & Training can get you started.